Attention: Affiliate Marketers, SEO Marketers, Bloggers, Online Marketers… Ready to finally make money with Automated AI Content?

Revealed: NEW Auto-Blogging WP Plugin Writes, Optimizes and Posts Profit-Producing Product Reviews From Any URL In 90 seconds or Less!

So You Can Get Page 1 Rankings And Earn Affiliate Commissions For The MOST Profitable (and easiest) Keywords Known To Marketers!

And it works for ANY Product or Service - you just supply the URL

Done-For-You Product Reviews For Your Niche Sites For ANY Product or ANY Service Using The Most POWERFUL A.I Engine On The Planet While Combined With Our Automation Engine
Totally Hands-Free Optimization and Formatting Of That Content FOR You So It Looks Like A HUMAN-Written Product Review
Automatically adds Your Affiliate Link To Your Review Article to INSTANTLY Monetize Your Content
Hands-Free Posting Of Your PERFECTLY Optimized Review Article
NEVER Write, Optimize, or Post Product Reviews MANUALLY EVER again (our A.I and automation does it ALL for you)
Build And Scale Your Review Sites Empire in RECORD Speed By Leveraging Our NEW, Exclusive Technology that’s NOT available ANYWHERE Else
Rank Review Sites For ANY Niche, Any Product, or Any Service and let our plugin do ALL the heavy-lifting FOR YOU (all you do is just supply the URL of the product and your affiliate link)
HUGE BONUS: Built-in “Undetectable Engine” So That Your Product Reviews Will Pass ALL The Major AI Content Detectors And Be Considered “Human Written Content”!

Ready To Let Our Plugin Handle ALL Your Product Reviews, Posting And Rankings For You, So You Can Truly Be Hands-off?

All you need to do is Hit the Discount Button Below

Normally $127/month

60% Discount - VERY limited Pre-Launch Special - 30 Day Guarantee

We’ve Simplified The Entire Process of Writing, Optimizing And Posting Review Content Into 3 Simple Steps:


Download And Install Our AI Review Engine Plugin

This process will literally take you two seconds.

Simply download and install our AI Review Engine plugin to your site and that’s it. From here our plugin will be nearly ready to do ALL the work for you.


Supply Our Plugin With The URL Of The Product Or Service You Want it To Write A Review For and Input Your Affiliate Link

Step 2 is where the magic happens. And this should also only take you about 2-3 seconds to complete.

In this step you’re literally just telling our plugin what you’d like for it to do FOR YOU! And you only have to fill out 3 options. 

Select the category, supply the product URL, and input your affiliate link.


Hit “Create Post” And Watch Our A.I Plugin Write, Optimize and Post A Perfect Human-Like Product Review - 100% Automatically!

From here ALL you have to do is sit back and watch our A.I work it’s magic. It will literally do EVERYTHING for you.

It’s going to write 100% unique and PERFECTLY readable Product Reviews for the EXACT product (or service) you specified.

It will then optimize that content, format that content, and FINALLY it will post that content for you WITH your affiliate link added automatically.

It doesn’t get ANY BETTER than THAT, right?

And want to know the best part?

Going Through All 3 Steps Above Will Take You NO MORE Than 3 Minutes To Complete!

It Literally Requires ZERO Work On Your Part. You’re Just Telling Our Software What You’d Like It To Do FOR YOU!

NEVER Set Up A Review Site, Write or Post Product Reviews Manually EVER AGAIN!

Automate Your ENTIRE Product Reviews Creation and Posting Process Below!

Simple Download And Installation That Takes 5 Minutes to configure. AI Review Engine is a premium, fully-automated WP Plugin powered by REAL A.I

60% Discount - VERY limited Pre-Launch Special - 30 Day Guarantee

Hey guys,

Joshua Zamora here in partnership with Brett Rutecky...

To bring you one of the MOST powerful and exciting products that we’ve created ALL year!

A product that also has the potential to put an INSANE amount of profit in your pocket by leveraging one of the MOST profitable strategies that marketers have been using for DECADES!

We Have FINALLY Cracked The Code!

Profitable Product Reviews Written ENTIRELY By AI?!!

Yes, you read that correctly!! We have finally cracked the code to combine two of the MOST powerful and profitable strategies known to online marketers in the last year!!

Product reviews combined with Artificial intelligence!

We all know that creating product review niche sites has been (and continues to be) one of the MOST profitable strategies for COUNTLESS online marketers, right?

Why? Well, There’s Actually A Few Reasons:

Reason #1

Studies have shown that between 80-90% of ALL consumers go online to look for reviews and information about a product or service before making a buying decision.

This means that there's an EVER growing supply of people who will be searching for reviews because there will be an EVER growing supply of products and services hitting the market!

It is one of the MOST evergreen strategies that ANY marketer can focus on because it’ll NEVER get saturated!

Reason #2

The competition around “review keywords” is always MUCH less than trying to go after more general keywords like “weight loss” or “make money online” or any other more generalized keyword.

This is ESPECIALLY true if you’re targeting newer products and services that haven’t built-up an established level of competition yet as well.

This means that ANYONE can start a product review niche site and start getting results FASTER and EASIER (with a MUCH lower barrier of ENTRY) than just about EVERY other online strategy out there.

Reason #3

And The MOST Important of ALL, we have now SUPERCHARGED the ability for ANYONE to PROFIT with Product Reviews by having AI write ALL of your reviews FOR YOU!

On this page, we’re going to show you how you can have our A.I. WP Plugin write, optimize and POST ALL of your Product Reviews FOR YOU for ANY niche, ANY product or ANY service without you doing a SINGLE thing except providing a URL.

And You’ll Be able To See How It’ll take you less than 2 minutes to get it all set up!

I’m Talking About 100% UNIQUE Product Reviews That Will Give You The Power To Dominate Your Niche, Get FASTER Rankings, Get More Traffic, Make More PROFIT AND Spend More Time Enjoying Your Hard-Earned Money.

Because Let’s Face It…

Profiting From Product Reviews Is Still KING!

We’re in 2023, and this is just as true today as it was 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago - even 30 years ago!

Online marketers have been profiting from product reviews for DECADES now. And even TODAY it continues to be one of the MAIN strategies that ALL affiliate marketers use to:

Get TARGETED traffic in a matter of DAYS
Start to build up loyal subscribers
Generate affiliate commissions at RECORD speed
Get easier and FASTER rankings
Provide value
Build up trust
Build a BRAND
And much much more

In fact, being able to publish QUALITY product reviews is MORE profitable NOW than it has EVER been!

With everyone being able to quickly access ANY and ALL content today on demand, there will ALWAYS be people pulling out their phones to search for reviews on a product or service before buying.

However, Actually Creating Product Reviews Is A Huge Pain In The Ass, Right?!!

Let’s be honest here… Most of us AVOID creating product reviews, because it’s a HUGE pain in the ass. (even though we know how PROFITABLE they are)

Trust me, I know from FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE!

And if you’ve been online for any amount of time, you’ve probably experienced some of this yourself…

You Know, Things Like:

Spending ENDLESS hours in front of the computer doing RESEARCH if you want to profit from a product or service you don’t know about… (Who really wants to do this?)

Paying HUNDREDS or even THOUSANDS of dollars to an article writer to write your reviews for you! (Who really has that kind of budget when starting out?)

Having a content writer DISAPPEAR on you AFTER you already paid them. (This one REALLY sucks and happens WAYYYY too often)

However, TODAY, I have some GREAT News for you.

We Have Changed The Way You Profit From Product Reviews FOREVER And Made it EASIER for EVERYONE To Get More Traffic, Rankings And Make More Profit!

What you’re about to see is going to be unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever seen before.

We are now in 2023 where Artificial Intelligence is BOOMING and growing at LIGHTNING SPEED!

Artificial Intelligence is one of the FASTEST growing industries right now and for GOOD reason.

We ALL Want For Things To Be Easier, Faster And More Profitable, Right?

We want to get results NOW!

And if you’re anything like me, we ALSO like when things are DONE FOR US!

So we decided to blend the power of Artificial Intelligence with the power of profitable product reviews!

And after MANY months of hard work, we’ve been able to accomplish our goal.

We have created the BEST AI Product Review WP Plugin to ever hit the JVZOO Marketplace!

You Will NOW Be Able To Have Unique, Perfectly-Readable (Human-Like) Product Reviews Written, Optimized and POSTED FOR YOU At The Push of Button!

Yup I’m talking about a COMPLETE Artificially-Intelligent Content creation engine that will write 100% unique product reviews for you EVERY single time!

It’s like having your own personal content writer writing for you, for ANY niche, ANY product or ANY service at ANY time, for PENNIES of what it’ll cost to use a HUMAN writer.

And FASTER than ANY human can ever write - GUARANTEED!

You’ll be able to have an ENTIRE, perfectly readable product review niche site running on COMPLETE Autopilot FOR you with our AI Review Engine Plugin.

And to make things even BETTER, you will NOT be able to tell the difference between human written content and content written by our A.I. writer.

I know it still sounds unbelievable but it’s true.

Allow Me To Introduce You To...

And NOW it’s time to Deliver on My Promise:

Let Me Show You Just How Easy It Is To Have AI Review Engine Write, Optimize and Post Product Reviews FOR YOU!

Talk About Awesome, Right?

We’ve Created The FIRST and BEST Artificially Intelligent Product Review Writer To EVER Hit JVZOO!

This is REAL Artificial Intelligence Combined With The Power Of Product Reviews

AI Review Engine Works For ANY Affiliate Network, AND Product Or ANY Service!

Private Affiliate Programs

Literally Anything!

If You Can Supply AI Review Engine With A Sales Page URL, It Will Write A PERFECTLY Readable Review FOR YOU!

And now, it’s time to cut to the chase...

How Much Is It To Get Access To This Futuristic Piece of Equipment?

And trust us, we struggled with this as well.


Well, because, at first, we couldn’t really believe what we had created. Every time AI Review Engine writes, optimizes and posts another review for us it continues to “WOW” us.

The quality of the review, the optimization and the automatic posting is TRULY that good.

This is probably how you’re feeling right now as well.

“Is It REALLY Possible To Have A Machine Run My ENTIRE Product Review Niche Sites For Me?”

And I think that we’ve (hopefully) answered that question and have proven to you that - YES, it IS possible - and we HAVE done it!

With that in mind...

We were TRULY considering taking this DIRECTLY to the MASS, public market and charging a HEFTY, MONTHLY, recurring-fee for it.

We know how BIG the product review niche is - how much it’s LACKING for a REAL, reliable product - And how VALUABLE a tool like AI Review Engine is to the marketplace.

So When We Tell You That This A ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME Opportunity To Secure Access To AI Review Engine For This INSANE, PRELAUNCH Discount…

We TRULY Mean it!

AI Review Engine is NOT even available to be purchased outside of this page. Heck, this is the first time ANYONE is ever hearing about this secret weapon we’ve developed.

This is why we’re offering it at such a TREMENDOUS value.

And trust me… You may NEVER see it offered at this price, with this MUCH value and with the AMAZING bonuses we’ve mentioned on this page EVER again!

I Highly Recommend Securing This Pre-Launch Discount TODAY!


2 Site license
3 Posts Per Month Per Site
High-Quality Product Reviews Written FOR YOU
Automatic Optimization of that Content FOR YOU
Automatic Posting of That Content FOR YOU
BONUS: Agency Rights Included
BONUS: Syndlab Agency Included
BONUS: Access To Keyword BootCamp Training
BONUS: Undetectable AI ReWriter Integration Included

Unlock You Pre-Launch Club Discount TODAY

Monthly Fee: $67.00/month

Get It Now For The ONE-TIME Discount You See Below

AI Review Engine 2 Sites

70% Discount - VERY limited Pre-Launch Special - 30 Day Guarantee

most value

Agency Special

5 Site license
5 Posts Per Month Per Site
High-Quality Product Reviews Written FOR YOU
Automatic Optimization of that Content FOR YOU
Automatic Posting of That Content FOR YOU
BONUS: Agency Rights Included
BONUS: Syndlab Agency Included
BONUS: Access To Keyword BootCamp Training
BONUS: Undetectable AI ReWriter Integration Included

Unlock You Pre-Launch Club Discount TODAY

Monthly Fee: $97.00/month

Get It Now For The ONE-TIME Discount You See Below

AI Review Engine 5 Sites

70% Discount - VERY limited Pre-Launch Special - 30 Day Guarantee

PLUS, When You Secure Your Account TODAY, You’ll also be Securing These Exclusive, Limited-Time Bonuses

Bonus #1

Agency Rights To Use AI Review Engine On Your Clients Sites As Well

$197 Value

This bonus alone allows you to REALLY skyrocket the profit potential with AI Review Engine. You’ll be able to provide product reviews as a service to others and charge a premium fee while AI does ALL the work FOR YOU!

We could have easily sold this as a separate upgrade and charged anywhere from $197, $297 or more. Especially when you consider that just ONE client will more than PAY for this cost. However for the next few days ONLY, you get it FOR FREE!

Bonus #2

Free Access To SyndLab Agency

$97 Value

If you’ve purchased any of my products before, you know that I have an ENTIRE line-up of BEST-SELLING content syndication software.

Why? Well, because content syndication FLAT.OUT.WORKS! It’s one of the #1 ways to get videos and niche sites ranked on page 1 of Google and YouTube.

Because of that, we wanted to make sure we also added a Syndication/Backlinking element into AI Review Engine. Because automated product review sites WITHOUT rankings mean NOTHING, right?

We wanted to make sure we had you covered with the syndication and ranking side of things as well. So, you’re getting our High-quality content syndication module (which runs via our Syndlab app) as a FREE bonus during our charter-members grand opening.

Bonus #3

Keyword Bootcamp Training

$37 Value

We all know that proper keyword research is the FOUNDATION of ANY successful search engine campaign. Get your keyword research wrong from the start and your campaign is DOOMED to fail from the very beginning.

We all know that “product name + review” keywords are the most obvious keywords to target to get the BEST results with AI Review Engine. However, what if I told you that we have another 6 (yes, SIX) different type of keywords that we target to get even MORE traffic with even LESS competition. These are keywords that people looking for a product review still search for (and convert JUST as good), but are NOT as common.

In this bonus, we’ll be breaking down ALL of these additional keywords you can target.

Bonus #4

FREE Access To Our Undetectable AI Content Rewriter Integration

$97 Value

Yup, not only have we built one of the most powerful Product Review writer to hit JVZOO, we also wanted to add an EXTRA layer of protection to ensure that you can get rankings, traffic and sales for A LONG time to come.

This layer of protection is ensuring that the product reviews that AI Review Engine writes for you will go UNDETECTED by the major AI Content detectors. There are a ton of AI Content Detectors on the market, and even Google has come out to say they’re able to detect AI Content, so it’s better to be safe then sorry if and when Google does ever release an “AI Content” update.

We could have easily charged a separate fee to unlock this extra layer of protection, however for a VERY limited-time, we’re throwing this in as a FREE bonus.

Talk About Some
Amazing Bonuses, Right?

Yup, we have NOT cut any corners on this one!

And Of Course, We Also Have A 30-DAY MONEY Back GUARANTEE!

Yup, we're so confident in how powerful and how much value AI Review Engine can provide to your business that we're willing to put our money where our mouth is.

That's why we're doing a FULL 30-day, no-questions-asked money back guarantee. Just show us that you put AI Review Engine into action in your business and if the quality of the content, optimization, and posting doesn’t absolutely BLOW YOU AWAY, we will - WITHOUT HESITATION - Give you a FULL refund right away.

At This Point There's Not Much Else To Say!

You either want to have high-quality, product reviews written FOR YOU or you DON’T!
You either want to be the FIRST to get access to this powerful technology, or you DON’T!
You either want more traffic, more subscribers, and more profit by leveraging the POWER of quality, automated niche-site marketing, or YOU DON'T!
You either want to pick up AI Review Engine at the BEST possible price and value that you will EVER see it at, or YOU DON'T!

However if you DO want to pick up the BEST, Artificially-Intelligent Product Reviews App To EVER Hit JVZOO at the BEST price you'll ever see it at, I highly recommend picking up your copy NOW.

Hit The Discount Button Below


2 Site license
3 Posts Per Month Per Site
High-Quality Product Reviews Written FOR YOU
Automatic Optimization of that Content FOR YOU
Automatic Posting of That Content FOR YOU
BONUS: Agency Rights Included
BONUS: Syndlab Agency Included
BONUS: Access To Keyword BootCamp Training
BONUS: Undetectable AI ReWriter Integration Included

Unlock You Pre-Launch Club Discount TODAY

Monthly Fee: $67.00/month

Get It Now For The ONE-TIME Discount You See Below

AI Review Engine 2 Sites

70% Discount - VERY limited Pre-Launch Special - 30 Day Guarantee

most value

Agency Special

5 Site license
5 Posts Per Month Per Site
High-Quality Product Reviews Written FOR YOU
Automatic Optimization of that Content FOR YOU
Automatic Posting of That Content FOR YOU
BONUS: Agency Rights Included
BONUS: Syndlab Agency Included
BONUS: Access To Keyword BootCamp Training
BONUS: Undetectable AI ReWriter Integration Included

Unlock You Pre-Launch Club Discount TODAY

Monthly Fee: $97.00/month

Get It Now For The ONE-TIME Discount You See Below

AI Review Engine 5 Sites

70% Discount - VERY limited Pre-Launch Special - 30 Day Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions? We Have Answers!

Does AI Review Engine Work With ChatGPT?

Yes, we’ve taken one of the most powerful AI writers and combined it with some of our own training, tweaking and automation to create the ULTIMATE Product Reviews!

Is everything REALLY done for me?

Yes, it is. I know it’s hard to believe but once you supply the URL to AI Review engine, it’ll literally write, optimize, format and post high-quality product reviews for you.

Does AI Review Engine Work with WordPress?

Yes it does. AI Review Engine is a premium WordPress plugin.

How Does AI Review Optimize My Content For Me?

Our AI Engine has been trained to now only write your review for you, but it’s been trained to also optimize and format that content as well so that it looks like an actual human wrote it.

What Are The Upgrades/OTOs?

Upgrade/OTO 1 is going to be unlocking our UNLIMITED Sites License. This is going to be for EVERYONE who is (or is planning to) scale their business as quickly as possible. This upgrade is going to allow you to install our plugin on an UNLIMITED number of sites, get an UNLIMITED amount of product reviews written for you, get an UNLIMITED amount of product reviews optimized for you AND get an UNLIMITED number of product reviews automatically posted for you as well! This will be priced at a $1 Trial and then just $47/month.

Upgrade/OTO 2 is a special offer for DFY Suite. DFY Suite is our powerful platform where you will be able to make Sure Your Product Reviews that AI Review Engine writes for you SHOOT and STICK To The First Page For The LONG-TERM With Our Done-For-You Social Syndication System. You’ll be getting MASS content syndication to all of your campaigns and have it ALL done FOR YOU! Social Syndication is the GLUE that sticks your niche sites and videos on page 1 of Google and YT for the long-term. And we’ve simplified it by DOING IT FOR YOU!

It’s the PERFECT fit so you can complete the ENTIRE Page 1 ranking circle without having to do ANY of the work yourself. Plus, all you’ll need to do is put down $1 to lock-in your DFY rankings and ensure you get credits every month to continue to have us do your syndication for you.

Upgrade/OTO 3 is going to be a very special offer for our Adtivate Plugin. This offer allows you to set your monetization on autopilot as well!

Here you’ll be able to Unlock Our 3-Step WP Plugin That Turns ALL Your Sites Into Profit-Pulling Machines By Quickly And Easily Deploying High-Converting Offers in Under 60 Seconds…

Yup, we’ve also Created The Best, Fastest And EASIEST Way To Monetize Your Sites Using The Power of Automated Banner Ads. And in this upgrade, you’ll be able to get it at a HUGE discount!

Upgrade/OTO 4 is going to be a very special offer for our DFY Authority app. DFY Authority is our Done-For-You Web-Bot that Finds High-Value, Expired Domains That Are Available RIGHT NOW For $10 (or Less) That You Can start using with AI Review Engine RIGHT AWAY.

Leveraging the power of an authority, aged domain with AI Review Engine will give you a MASSIVE advantage over your competition. And DFY Authority will work for you EVERY day to find you amazing domains. This will be a one-time payment of $67.

Hit The Discount Button Below


2 Site license
3 Posts Per Month Per Site
High-Quality Product Reviews Written FOR YOU
Automatic Optimization of that Content FOR YOU
Automatic Posting of That Content FOR YOU
BONUS: Agency Rights Included
BONUS: Syndlab Agency Included
BONUS: Access To Keyword BootCamp Training
BONUS: Undetectable AI ReWriter Integration Included

Unlock You Pre-Launch Club Discount TODAY

Monthly Fee: $67.00/month

Get It Now For The ONE-TIME Discount You See Below

AI Review Engine 2 Sites

70% Discount - VERY limited Pre-Launch Special - 30 Day Guarantee

most value

Agency Special

5 Site license
5 Posts Per Month Per Site
High-Quality Product Reviews Written FOR YOU
Automatic Optimization of that Content FOR YOU
Automatic Posting of That Content FOR YOU
BONUS: Agency Rights Included
BONUS: Syndlab Agency Included
BONUS: Access To Keyword BootCamp Training
BONUS: Undetectable AI ReWriter Integration Included

Unlock You Pre-Launch Club Discount TODAY

Monthly Fee: $97.00/month

Get It Now For The ONE-TIME Discount You See Below

AI Review Engine 5 Sites

70% Discount - VERY limited Pre-Launch Special - 30 Day Guarantee

Copyright © 2023 - AI Review Engine. All Rights Reserved.

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